Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Points East

The mythic power of film is larger than even those who claim it to be large fully understand.   

Try stumbling onto a film, like this one, Frank Capra's Lost Horizon (. . .Of Shangri-La), at age 16, a movie buff never having seen or heard of the film and only distantly aware of the term 'Shangri-La'.

The story follows a man jostled by a war-torn world and seeking a peaceful one. 

It finds him.  He loses it.  He fights to get it back. 

The archetype around which I've seen my life playing.



  1. When i was young,i was fond of a poker group named electric light orchestra because i loved the songs"Eldorado " and "Shangri-la",i' m afraid i wanted to flee from my inner self instead of hoping a better world.I wish you to find your heaven, inside you.

  2. Isabelle,

    Since 'my time', it looks as though such songs have been popular. The only 'Shangri-la' song I remember was done by some male group like the Four [fill in the blank]s and that song was used by cheap bands as stripper back-up music.

    (Wow! Culture!)

    My inner self is too fast for me, so I invite it to table, but we're like cousins unsure of how to deal with one another.

    The Capra film (and Hilton book) were a bit of wishful thinking just before WWII. At a deeper level, the meditative pace and natural harmony idealized there really are a template for us.

    Sounds as though you've made progress there?


  3. Now you have me wanting to see this movie again...anything Capra

  4. You said it all in the first sentence, the mythical power greater than our ability to understand. It is art of this level that forces us to continue seeking that peace. Let us forever remain seekers. Merry Christmas....bkm

  5. Suz,

    Capra's films reach out for what's good in people. They do ignore 'real downsides' in life in favor of that which can possibly work out well.

    This is not Italian neo-Realism, grubbing on the post-war streets of Naples, not 'Pillow Talk' romance, not social dutifulness, nor is it the dangerous fantasy world of digital post-apocalyptic visions.

    It's man-in-the-street decency. There is such a thing.

    (Merry Xmas)

  6. bkm,

    Peace. This holiday and all.


