Monday, November 16, 2009

Sick Day

Thermometers registering me high today.

Fahrenheit up from the usual low 'corpse' readings that no doctors ever believe.

Three things from this illusory 'fever':

1) The word 'Edinburgh' appeared in the chance meanderings of the ceiling putty.

2) Reading about Gorky during 1917, his political good sense utterly lost upon that time, a man of letters judging the mob responses to Petrograd lawlessness. Then noting per chance an article in the newspaper about the release of Sarah Palin's book -- as a possible precursor for further political power.


3) Memory of head lights seen through glass -- home window? stationary car window? -- headlights moving in rain, feeling myself very young, younger than school age.

Society is vulnerable as a child.

The politics of this time pinprick stability like a fever.



  1. Excuse my Anglo-Saxon, but that is fuckin' brilliant!

  2. Anglo-Saxon is spoken here. And I thank you for your enthusiasm!
