Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Free Speech Movement

Political table set out on the sidewalk at the public entrance of a US Post Office displays a poster of President Obama with a Hitlerian mustache.  Plenty of leaflets.

Young woman, 'co-manning' the table, smiles a sweet smile and flaps a short 'hi' wave at me as I enter.  I pass on.

As I leave, I try to avoid eye contact, but I notice a conversation has been started between the other political operative and a woman, suburban middle class, white, maybe in her late 40s, who had dropped off her mail.

She's smiling, and she's already said something.

Now I hear what she says, smiling, twice:  Do I look like white trash? (pause) Do I look like white trash?



  1. Stereotypes iz as stereotypes does. Actions, perhaps, speak louder than words?

  2. Joy,

    The moment was actually one I saw coming in that the political table had been there before and had been greeted by mutters.

    What passes for political discourse today is so ugly (how ugly is it?) it's so ugly, I've plugged my ears with Odysseus wax.

    Trulyfool (Living the true folly!)
