Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Verbal Drawing On Drawing-Back

B is going into what is assumed to be her 'last year on the job'.  You can't believe how happy she is about that.  Well, maybe you can.

In talking to R in Pasadena:  he's retiring in June.  You can't believe how happy he is about that.  Well, maybe you can.

The question is how, when that golden day arrives, to view it?

Usually, such pivot points in my life go almost 'slow-motion' on me, make me an observer of inconsequential details surrounding the moment, distance me from what's going on, remove me from the rite of passage, smear the line of demarcation and just leave things unresolved.

After the gold watch and celebratory dinner with friends, an isolated walk in my party clothes acknowledging that a -- work -- life has ended.

Of course, there will be things to do.  But psychologically, a bridge will have been traversed, one land will be a past land.


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