Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Political Poem From Material I Didn't Really Know What To Do With

1) Elephantine

2) Things I remember, essentially pointless: Honey Fitz, Eugene Pallette . . . wanted a longer list . . .

3) I wouldn't, if I were me

4) To die laughing!

5) (These lines went nowhere: 
Wrest all from the wrist / The end of Spring's wind is no Spring / Hope that blossoms as a daffodil / That trumpet flowering in shower's light . . . -- nowhere!)

6) (This daydream, as many, as the few whose trail I trace back, only limp when expressed:

Mugging a face with arched, wide-open eye, I reminded myself of the actor, wonderful Shakespearean actor, Sir Donald Sinden, who, though I've seen him recently as the King of France in All's Well That Ends Well, must have played Hamlet at one time or another

. . . which made me think of Mel Gibson playing the role in a film whose Gertrude was Glenn Close who was one of the actors in The Big Chill, a film claimed to be the apogee of the Baby Boom Gen's 'maturity' and life stance, but whose shallowness embarrassed me the very hour I walked from the theater in 1983 watching other people I knew almost beam with self-satisfaction and vanity -- and real estate money

. . . this only two years and some months into the Reagan presidency and the enormous reactionary slide we have yet to shore up against adequately.)

Elephantine!  Honey Fitz!  I wouldn't, if I were me! Wrest all from the wrist!  To die laughing!
The end of Spring's wind is no Spring


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