Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Constant Singers

That warm sleep of a cat counted in long hours, and we

we so dogged, crafting speech as if it were the climbing ivy, sure growth

You, you be my crystal ball, and I yours, we double the future

in our words -- as if that would, as were-it-so -- to bring the mutual end

of the entropy in the system called the universe, and we

the malcontents in its side, bearing ourselves from within and out

the brain-churned, tongue-loose lucifers, would-be bringers of light.



  1. I especially like the cat/dog contrast in "sleep of cat" and "dogged"...and "tongue-loose lucifers"...elegant write, as always, TF.

  2. Hear hear on the cat/dog, on laziness sleep / determined progress, and the l/Lucifers conjuring up light and darkness. You've sent me to look up the lucifer, and find: "The lucifer match has attained its present high state of perfection by a long series of inventions of various degrees of merit, the most important of which resulted from the progress of chemical science." Ahem. A stiff little contrast to your poem.

  3. Tess,

    I'll tuck that 'elegant' in my Yankee-Doodle cap and value it for sure!


  4. Kathy,

    You're right. I wouldn't embark on such an expository project as deals with the advance of chemistry!

    Its stiffness doesn't match the relative languor of the poem whose couple try, at least, to flare.

    Thanks for your comment!


  5. absolutely
    that full moon carries all

  6. Isabel,

    I'm a moon-lover, a moon kind-of-guy. Its brightness brings me plenty.

