It's like Monopoly, except you can't buy property. You do buy gas for your car.
Start outside Santa Monica, just at the cusp, the corner of Bundy and Pico.
Pico east into downtown, turn left at Central. North to 1st turn right (east) one block
to Alameda, turn left there. Veer right onto Main which (after I-5) becomes Valley.
Which curves NE to Alhambra where you turn north (left) on Fremont.
Follow until the Huntington Drive (a right), shortly a left again on Fair Oaks. South Pas.
Fair Oaks hits Woodbury for a left, changes its name to Oak Grove which lets a left
(now northwest) onto Foothill, then a while and a left (now west): Verdugo, which becomes
Honolulu (short name change to Penn, then continues NW as Honolulu), only to allow
a further westerly cut as La Tuna Canyon for quite a rural way until it hits Tuxford, takes that name.
Cut SW on it and find out you're renamed (west) as Roscoe, go until you reach Van Nuys.
V.N. goes south to Ventura where the left turn comes and a short right onto Beverly Glen.
It will cross Mulholland and take you passing Sunset, and a right jog, cross it, take it back to Pico,
about a mile or so from where it all began. This is the tour that might take two or so full hours at 3 a.m.
Unadvised in daylight, for it doubles time. It never snows there, but the fire risk's high from June
until the late Fall rains, and then there're slides, you watch them on the news, houses built on spec or
lasting too many years on neglected slopes. I'd like to catalogue the grandmas, aunts, and in-laws, the
girlfriends, dates, the places seen on my own during lonely times when I sought poetic quiet. Can't.